Create a template file for the initialzer `JSONAPI.configure`
``` shell
$> rails generator jsonapi:initializer
Running via Spring preloader in process 102107
create config/initialize…
We are facing a peculiar issue where we override the `jsonapi` parser in order to make the incoming payload `snake_case` instead of `camelCase`.
We use a solution similar to the one proposed here:…
## This issue is a (choose one):
- [x] Problem/bug report.
- [ ] Feature request.
- [ ] Request for support. **Note: Please try to avoid submitting issues for support requests. Use [Gitter](https…
When using `jsonapi:` renderer I found out it was effectively adding an extra call to the resources, impacting performance:
Compare results when using Rails' default `json:` rednerer and `jso…
We could try to implement jsonapi spec.
We need a make decision https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers vs. https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources
These changes should be merged…
I'm wondering if we should be setting the `Content-Type` response header for `JsonapiErrorable#handle_exception` and `JsonapiErrorable::Validatable#render_errors_for`. In our app we've overwritten tho…
As discussed, here's what I've been working on. cc @NullVoxPopuli
What's there so far (beauby):
- Generators for serializable/deserializable classes based on `ActiveRecord` models.
- Rails-tailored …
## This issue is a (choose one):
- [x] Problem/bug report.
- [ ] Feature request.
- [ ] Request for support. **Note: Please try to avoid submitting issues for support requests. Use [Gitter](https…
We have to either add Rails as a dependency or stop using Rails classes.
HashWithIndifferentAccess is used in:
We are using jsonapi-resources for our API and Skylight reports our data back as "text" regardless of having a registered [mime type](https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources/blob/v0.9.0/lib/json…