**Scenario: Cyclic import**
Use case (order of file imports):
-> imported.jsonp
-> imported.AA.jsonp
-> imported.BB.jsonp
A file containing common values, is imported
* several times,
* in different subkeys,
* within the same file,
* within imported files.
This is detected as _'cyclic import_' mistakenly.
But s…
the code in https://gin-gonic.com/zh-cn/docs/examples/jsonp/
r.GET("/JSONP?callback=x", func(c *gin.Context) {
data := map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
// callback 是 x
// 将输出:x({…
It's unconditionally bound in ServerBinder. Is there any way of removing JSONP support altogether?
This is very helpful.
I do have a question/issue to mention though, How do you cache/handle jsonp calls?
Since for jsonp calls the query string tends to be similar to
i think this is useful for any web framework
Would be nice to have a callback paramater to use this from the web.
You could also have a look at [enable CORS](http://enable-cors.org/). Cool project, however :sunglasses:
Considerar soporte JSONP como complemento a CORS.
Se sabe que JSONP es más un "hack" que una feature, pero algunos browsers tienen problemas aún: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ieinternals/2010/05/1…
I'm having trouble when hitting an endpoint that uses jsonp. (tumblr, in my case).
Same Origin is telling me though shall not pass, though.
This works
var url = api_endpoint + '&callback=?'
`#cloud-config-jsonp` is a way to specify [JSON Patch](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902) operations to
apply to cloud-init's existing configuration. The problem is, in its current form, …