**Describe the bug**
I'm working on an adaptation project, I've been following the documentation on [www.npmjs.com/package/ui5-tooling-modules](www.npmjs.com/package/ui5-tooling-modules) and got the l…
When using the Survey PDF and Survey Analytics on the same page, the save to PDF button is unavailable for the Tabulator.
The Survey PDF library uses `"jspdf": "^2.3.1"`.
Hello everyone,
I'm writing this message after a problem encountered while creating a pdf with html2pdf.
To answer a need of one of our clients, we create the template of a pdf in css, then "tak…
According to the Meteor Packaging wiki, I'm supposed to _"File an issue in MeteorPackaging/discussions and ask for permission to fork the repo into the MeteorPackaging org"_.
I would like to start wi…
jspdf handles exif orientation and correctly flips width and height. However, it does _not_ actually rotate the image. Instead it just stretches the unrotated image into its rotated shape.
This iss…
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module './vendor/jsPDF/jspdf'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582:15)
hi, i can run autoTable with jsPDF, using autoTable up to 3.5.12 ... but when i try to use 3.5.13 up to 3.5.31, i get the error:
TypeError: doc.autoTable is not a function
Any suggestions? …
I have read and understood the contribution guidelines
I am looking to file a security vulnerability coming from a CodeQL scan with the following details. We are using version 2.3.1 of the jsPDF li…
don't have function fromHTML ?
Error when used with Autotable.
Only added autotable and tried to export
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.addFont('HMKMMAG.TTF', 'MagicR', 'normal', 'Identity-H');