* Concept is confusing for users
* Page is not intuitive
* Suggestion for Future Ready Design: "User research"
* Confusing navigation
* box-shadow too much compared to design
* use line-clamp on home…
At ENCSS (Sweden's SURF and eScience Center) they teach the following Julia lessons:
- https://enccs.github.io/julia-for-hpda/
- https://enccs.github.io/julia-for-hpc/
- https://enccs.github.io/jul…
I see from our documentation that Ruby has a lot of attention, & I know that a good bit of Julia's syntax is somewhat largely based on Ruby (w/ a few other language's as well), it leads me to wonder i…
It would be nice to support [julia](https://github.com/Wansmer/treesj/issues/85). We could probably borrow a lot from for instance the R and python parsers.
It would be nice if [Julia were supported](https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-ack) without having to modify or define ackrc.
liamh updated
2 weeks ago
### 1. Lesson Topic
Efficient computing in Julia
### 2. Lesson Language
### 3. Draft materials
We've had some issues getting the Juptyer book to build when using a Julia environment. Put findings or troubleshooting notes here!
@ejmeitz @Leticia-maria
@JuliaRegistrator register
bmxam updated
1 month ago
@JuliaRegistrator register
bmxam updated
1 month ago
@JuliaRegistrator register
bmxam updated
1 month ago