运行kbqa_test.py,出现错误:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn.externals.joblib' in module pickle.py. 我的版本是python3.10.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Documents\QASystemOnMedi…
BeCircle's blog
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\code\kbqa\KBQA_medical\KBQA_medical\run.py", line 8, in
from modules import gossip_robot,medical_robot,classifier
File "E:\code\kbqa\KBQA_medica…
Hello, Thanks for the code. but when I run the "train_kbqa.sh", it seems still need word embedding files, such as ./data/kbqa_emb/word_emb.indices. Is there some scripts to generate it?
【免责声明】本文仅适用于 Commit ID 为[6890d7f1](https://github.com/wangle1218/KBQA-for-Diagnosis/commit/6890d7f14d9abd7e3d0d00cb7b55019ffa3fbaef) 的提交状态,并且在2024.6月测试可用。本人不负责因时间流逝而在Anaconda/PIP/Neo4J或数据和代码层面发生的变化而导致…
# 基于知识库的问答综述(KBQA) | 一隅
简介 今天来读一篇2021年的知识库问答的综述,《A Survey on Complex Knowledge Base Question Answering:Methods, Challenges and Solutions》,论文收录在IJCAI 2021中。这篇文章主要介绍了知识库问答的背景与挑战,并总结介绍了两大主流方法:基于语义解析(sem…
I try to reproduce KBQA result by runing "bash script/test-all-kbqa.sh 1", while I can't find the '/home/user_data/wup/10-fold-dataset/fold-6.vaild.pickle.cand'.
I have successfully uploaded the USDA data, the ontologies and the three .Trig files to a Blazegraph instance and the example queries on this page: https://foodkg.github.io/whattomake.html wo…
- Based on arxiv https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.06917 please insert the QA System
- You can access it simply by adding the text of a question to https://kbqa-api.ai.wu.ac.at/ask?question=
- e.g. Name t…