Vakava tietoturva-aukko tässä 👀
_Originally posted by @petetnt in https://github.com/koodiklinikka/koodiklinikka.fi/pull/42_
I think there should be more guidelines about how the koodiklinikka.fi code should be structured so when people commit to the project they don't just do it in their own style.
**CSS for example**
Moikka moi vaan! On taas tullut aika kartoittaa Koodiklinikan väen palkkoja ja tuloja.
Ennen kuin laukaistaan varsinainen kysely tulille, on ollut perinteiden mukaista että on mahdollisuus vaikutta…
Jotta saadaan pidettyä uuden palkkakyselyn tullessa tulosten urli kivana, ois kiva jos tän viimevuotisen sais /2021-polun taa ja sitten uuden joko suoraan tai /2022-polulle.
Tein issuen, koska en o…
Referring to the "Sync lists" part. Shouldn't the resulting HTML be the following?
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Since this is what happens in the `update` method:…
import { el, mount } from 'redom';
results in:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
so is there a "standalone" edition without the whole module f**k ?
first, i like that awesome lib!
my question is, after i do something like
data1 & data2 are in my list, fine... but how is the proper way to clear that …
In the api docs, the App update function takes one destructured object (`{ section, data }`), but the actual instance passes two arguments to the update function (`'a', { val: 1}`).
class Ap…
Still struggling with Lists. I use tables and lists a lot and a common requirement is to have a first and/or last item that is different from the dataset. example:
el('tr', tdSelector, tdVal…