создать проект gradle+kotlin mpp+compose web:
- добавить линтеры([idea](https://github.com/diffplug/spotless))
- настроить лицензию в репо(см gradle-semantic-release-example)
If I run ./gradlew benchmark I get a ConcurrentModificationException using 0.4.13.
Whats odd is that if I run jvmBenchmark or macosArm64Benchmark directly both work. If you need a reproduced simply…
It would be nice if more classes has stable identifiers, as defined in these three places:
- https://github.com/kotest/kotest/blob/17d1b3b189fe4d804f1d3c6ce14280f724b0f168/kotest-framework/kotest-fra…
~Since we're only publishing SNAPSHOT this should be fine. And you can always fall back to the individual artifacts if your Gradle metadata version significantly skews.~
Tracking MPP version of Kot…
> We got a report from one of our users that was having trouble running the test retry plugin with a kotlin project. After some digging, we found that `org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform.gradle.plugin…
## Kind (Required)
- Improvement
## Overview (Required)
- We tried arbor but it does not support Kotlin Native
I want a library that has the following elements:
- Interface that does n…
how to get the cookie returned by a Http get?
With a release of Kotlin 1.3 and improved support for multiplatform projects in Gradle, there were some changes in directory structures that should be considered by the plugin.
* [Official](https:/…
### SQLDelight Version
### Operating System
Mac arm64
### Gradle Version
### Kotlin Version
### Dialect
### AGP Version
_No response_
### Describe the Bug
I am working on the KMP library in which I want to share the .js file between platforms and generate ".aar" to distribute with other consumers, but it is not fetching resources and giving an error: