I have recently found your repository for Kronoterm heat pump modbus access. I have this kind of heat pump and I've been analyzing a possibility to access to it. Unfortunately my TEX socket is …
Not just on debian, also on windows10 machine. Using the following docker configuration:
# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.12-slim
# Set th…
-59.9 ???
what is
When running in docker on debian I get the following message:
``` - - [20/Nov/2024 14:30:27] "GET /version HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [20/Nov/2024 14:30:27] code 400, message…
Hi. Maybe you will find this document useful with all the addresses. Maybee this way it is possible to control it localy with modbus and I assume the info is then also pushed to the cloud if you chang…
First of all a big thank you! I've been wanting to integrate my Kronoterm Heat Pump into Home Assistant and your great work has made this possible.
Have you found a way to retrieve the energ…
hello below your template:
- sensor:
# System info
- name: "Heat pump id"
hello, I will try to instyall kronoterm relay to new server debian 12 on my proxmox
see below
Hello can you make help for install on debian server o ubuntu?
Hello yes, mi .env it is ok with my credential, but not working.