Hi, author. When I calculate the evaluation metrics, I am very confused about the determination of the upper bound U and the lower bound L. Would it be convenient for you to provide the codes for MPIW…
In the implemntation of get_binned_data https://github.com/evidentlyai/evidently/blob/4e4637d361d11354d26f361a07e1c5a847bbfc74/src/evidently/calculations/stattests/utils.py#L33
By default, 0.0001 i…
I've re-implemented GPflow's [`gauss_kl`](https://github.com/GPflow/GPflow/blob/master/gpflow/kullback_leiblers.py) method using the `tensorflow_probability.distributions.kl_divergence` method.…
AFAIK, the following features aren't available right now in `sympy.stats`,
1. Kullback–Leibler divergence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullback%E2%80%93Leibler_divergence
2. Reparametrizing one…
Really appreicate your impressive work~
I wonder how the KL divergence in Table 4 is calculated ? Is it an average of KL in each category or calculated across all categories as a whole? For COCO…
I would like to retrain the model and am interested in understanding how to measure and display the metric values such as Correlation Coefficient (CC), Structural Similarity Index (SIM), Normal…
### Example highlighting the problem:
Simple 1-dimensional example using the `one` likelihood (`one` likelihood for simplicity of the example, problem exists generally, though):
Hi, you wrote that your loss function use the Kullback-Leibler (KL)-divergence for the classification loss in the paper. But you impement the cross entropy function not KL in your source code. So wh…
I have investigating the use of the negitive Kullback Leibler-Divergence (KL) in place of the Log-Likelihood (LL) in STIR. The two functions both have the same gradient and shape, but with a different…
Clean .csv files with good variable names.
`exporter`, `importer`, `year`, `kullback_leibler_divergence`, `trade_similarity_index`.
Maybe separate fields for 4- and 6-digit calculations.
Keep thi…