## Lambda Calculus
A branch of mathematics that uses functions to create a [universal model of computation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus).
I think it would be a fun addition as an esolang. Of course Lambda Calculus itself isn't a programming language so it needs an implementation as a programming language. Binary Lambda Calculus and Univ…
We'll go through how John Tromp's Binary Lambda Calculus works and examine the metacircular interpreter in detail.
In no particular order:
- big-step and small-step semantics
- evaluation context
- type context
- System F
- (somewhat advanced) difference between Gamma (types of program variables, th…
Adding a parser for lambda calculus expressions would make it easier to experiment with for people who aren't familiar with the Chemlambda nodes, or who don't feel like dealing with their specifics at…
# Lambda Calculus에 대해 알아보자 - 컬리 기술 블로그
[Lambda Calculus: PyCon 2019 Tutorial (Screencast) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C6sv7-eTKg&t=5591s)
## What is your problem?
I cannot emulate lambda calculus, I would say due to a lack of support for scopes in MeTTa.
## How to reproduce your problem?
Run the following code
(= ((λ $x…