Is there any way to use other fonts offered in LaTeX -- in particular, computer modern sans serif?
I have some points which I do not know how to handle. Could you help me ?
1) Letter E is always converted to lower case in latex() function as Euler's number. Can I somehow to prevent this c…
## Prework
* [X] Read and agree to the [code of conduct](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html) and [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/rstudio/gt/blob/mast…
# Latex偏门小技巧 - R.B.
Many articles appear broken due to the lack of *TeX rendering
### Description
There is a LaTex command \ce that seems not rendered properly.
### (Optional:) Please add any files, screenshots, or other information here.
_No response_
### (Required) What is th…
### Description
This latex command should not be displayed in the rendered version
### (Optional:) Please add any files, screenshots, or other information here.
_No response_
### (Required) What i…
It should be pretty easy to look for single or double dollar signs, and `\(....\)` or `\[...\]` and convert these to `...` and `...`. I'm happy to try to contribute that soon so I can learn about how…
### Prerequisites
- [X] I am using the latest stable release of Neovim
- [X] I am using the latest version of the plugin
### Neovim Version
NVIM v0.10.2
### Neorg setup
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim