When loading around 4 series and each with 3 million of data, interaction with chart is not working well. Pan and Zoom both are becoming lagy and unusable.
AmCharts5 seems to claim that it's much more performant. Can you help add that to the benchmark, too?
**URL**: https://lightningchart.com/js-charts/interactive-examples/examples/lcjs-example-0017-largeLineChartXY.html?isList=true
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 132.0
**Operating System**: Windows …
**URL**: https://lightningchart.com/js-charts/interactive-examples/examples/lcjs-example-0017-largeLineChartXY.html?isList=true
**Browser / Version**: Chrome 130.0.0
**Operating System**: Windows…
Sorry for the confusing title. Allow me to quickly explain:
I'm on the latest versions of this plugin and vite. I have this code which dynamically imports a module:
[``const chart = await import…
I have installed the package using the docs and just using the component. I am getting below error in terminal:
./node_modules/react-d3-speedometer/dist/react-d3-speedometer.es.js 841:60
Students should post their project proposals here as comments.
I just clone your repo and it works using angular 13, but using angular 16 not start these issues are shown:
Property 'setFillStyle' in type 'DashedLine' is not assignable to the same property i…
`TypeError: \node_modules\@arction\lcjs\dist\lcjs.mjs: Duplicate declaration "i"`