## The problem
On the bottom at the right of a floorplan there is a link to leaflet (the library for the map). This link is constructed wrong so you get not-found-error (/page/GR/https:/leafletjs.com…
Hi everybody,
I managed to insert a map. It is based on LeafletJS. Here the link:
To insert the LeafleJS map I added a floorBar in the index.html, w…
as alternative to google maps
durante l'implementazione di un sito wordpress per cui è prevista l'implementazione dell'accesso SPID ho rilevato che attivando il plugin wp-spid-italia la libreria leaflet, con cui sono state…
Leaflet has a new version out in beta! http://leafletjs.com/2015/07/15/leaflet-1.0-beta1-released.html
It has lots of performance enhancements and upgrades, so it would be great to see if it can f…
I would like to suggest adding the required attribution for "OpenStreetMap", see
You can do this using the leaflet-attribution-container, see
I am using Leaflet 1.0 in a project and would like to use OSMBuildings. However, there is an issue where the buildings get completely redrawn on the `moveend` event and they briefly disappear. Here is…
No longer showing in https://leafletjs.com/reference.html:
> This reference reflects **Leaflet** .