Keyboard shortcuts are central part of VS Code, there are a lot of them and I think I use only a fraction of them. It would be awesome if VS Code could suggest what shortcut should I learn, based on h…
The project section will have youtube links to beginner projects after learning from courses ,this will allow users to gain hands-on experience and practical skills
since I'm going to make an OS, i should prob learn C++
[(0.666667, SimpleRegressionPipeline({'imputation:strategy': 'mean', 'one_hot_encoding:use_minimum_fraction': 'True', 'preprocessor:__choice__': 'no_preprocessing', 'regressor:__choice__': 'adaboost',…
[How to Learn to Code and Get a Developer Job](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-to-code-book/)
@jondubois: Hello, Comment ça va? Ayant changé récemment de taf, j'ai beaucoup plus de temps disponible et je me suis re-mis à apprendre à coder. J'ai commencé avec:
- www.w3schools.com
- https://n…
As a freshman how to learn code.
List your favorite learn to code resources here. This will serve as future reference for our group via github/future website.
Examples include online courses, interactive resources.
New, free, web based lessons. Currently in early Beta: