# Day tasks
ts handbook , tsconfig.json,tstore compiler api (https://github.com/chandu0101/ts_codegen), monorepo turbo repo
# Job
- [ ] 100k job in 3 months
# dart
- [ ] dstore
# A…
The playcanvas editor now supports ESM modules.
This allows playcanvas developers to easily leverage 3rd party ready made components.
One big opportunity is to leverage React based components s…
### Description
`CompileTypeScript` needs to be updated to `CompileTypeScriptWithTSConfig` as the target has changed
Improve this section to include removing the content from the wwwroot folder in t…
- [ ] [typescript handbook](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/typescript-in-5-minutes-oop.html)
[Learn TypeScript in 5 minutes - A tutorial for beginners](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-typescript-in-5-minutes-13eda868daeb/)
Learn and apply new advanced JavaScript/TypeScript topics from session 7, focusing on asynchronous programming and error handling.
- [ ] Review asynchronous programming concepts covered in session 7.…
- [x] nate did it
- [ ] lucas did it
### What is the type of issue?
Documentation is confusing
### What is the issue?
Hello, I'm new to Effect ts. I have read part of the instructions but I'm not sure how to apply it in a real situati…