I am trying to create an opam package that can install liblinear in user-space.
It should install two executables in opam's bin directory (liblinear-train and liblinear-predict).
The goa…
rely on a user-space installation of liblinear
class labels are integers; currently we just care about the "active" prefix of mol_names
this might not be as trivial as it seems; it _is_ supported by liblinear though
There is a java implementation of liblinear there: https://github.com/bwaldvogel/liblinear-java
May be interesting to include for classification.
I am using liblinear to do an SVM classification and I am seeing output during training that I don't understand. Specifically,
iter 259 act 2.666e-02 pre 2.666e-02 delta 1.443e-03 f …
_From @JordanCheney on May 25, 2016 18:59_
I am using liblinear to do an SVM classification and I am seeing output during training that I don't understand. Specifically,
iter 259 ac…
possibly with https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/multicore-liblinear/
Thanks for your work ! Here are my questions :
- How did you determine "params.max_raio_radius" values? Did you do a cross-validation at some point ?
- How did you find that the optimal cost par…
Those guys are doing some really nice things with Cython + {libsvm, liblinear}
[(0.666667, SimpleRegressionPipeline({'imputation:strategy': 'mean', 'one_hot_encoding:use_minimum_fraction': 'True', 'preprocessor:__choice__': 'no_preprocessing', 'regressor:__choice__': 'adaboost',…