Transcribed verbatim from CPAN RT#125567, warts and all.
Tue Jun 12 10:33:50 2018 richard.tomasso [...] exfo.com - Ticket created
Subject: segmentation fault with DBI->connect
Date: Tue, 12…
Opening here, as this involves failure of the Driver_xst.h compilation step, and the same error occurs on both DBD::Pg and DBD::Sqlite:
The following is the output from `perl Makefile.PL`, run on RHEL 7.9, having previously set `$ORACLE_HOME`, `$PATH` (to include `$ORACLE_HOME`), and `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH` in order to find my copy of the …
I'm not sure who to ask, and I'm sure this is more related to Perl or Postgre - but I am using a new Apple Silicon MacBook Pro M1 and have this issue when I reach the step "cpan[4]>install DBD::Pg" in…
I'm trying to rebuild a legacy system running on RHEL 5 to a new CentOS 7.2.1511 system. After copying the perl library directories from the RHEL 5 system to the CentOS system, I had trouble getting …
I am trying to run `bucardo add table users` after adding the databases. I am getting the following error while adding the tables:
> DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: install_driver(Pg) failed: C…
Symptoms: creating database works, but sqlite driver is not loaded. The volumes are created. Exporting the driver library
export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/apr-util-1/apr_dbd_sqlite3.so"
Hi there! I'm a maintainer of DBD::mysql.
The libmysqlclient version shipped with StrawberryPerl is quite old (based on MySQL 5.1).
It would be awesome if StrawberryPerl could bundle a newer version …
I use `(with-connection (db) CODE)` to access database. I get the following error when there are concurrent requests accessing database. Thanks!
A failure in the SSL library occurred on handle #.…
set up SYBASE environment variables and tried to install DBD::Sybase
[sybase@hero DBD-Sybase-1.23]$ perl Makefile.PL
Sybase OpenClient 16.0 SP03 PL13 found.
By default DBD::Sybase 1.05 and late…