Does this connector support loopback 4 and latest firestore?
(Error: Cannot create data source "FireStore": Cannot initialize connector "loopback-connector-firebase": FIREBASE FATAL ERROR: Cannot parse Firebase url. Please use https://.firebaseio.com )
I am getting error "cannot initialize connectorloopback-connector-firestore" .
I am try to use Loopback API.
The loopback connector generates an AutoID while storing data to FireStore and we are unable to set the ID to our own value.
Hi! Thanks for that good connector.
There's an issue on posting an instance of a model that contains a GeoPoint property. Example:
"name": "string",
"capacity": 0,
"description": "…
1. type `npm connect-redis` into alfred
2. see the npm results stop showing around `npm connect-red`
This issue happens with many packages at random.
__MacOS__: 12.3.1
__PHP__: 8.3.1
A list of potential extensions for LoopBack Next.
**Add a 👍 reaction to any of the comments below if you are interested in seeing these features / extensions**
# Description/Steps to reproduce
I have an issue with storage component, I debug it and I realized that when `storage-handler.js` (line 217) call `writer.end();` the request never end. It never c…
Some modifications to `loopback-connector-firestore` were required to in order to manually set the document `id` of `offers` pushed to firestore. Specifically this refactor of the `Firestore.create` m…
Hello What's the difference between this package and [loopback-connector-firestore](https://github.com/dyaa/loopback-connector-firestore) is it a clone ?