Dear all,
From what I understand is the latest version of the LoudML/Chronograf not compatible yet with the latest LoudML version. Does anybody have an indication if this will get updated and if ye…
we are truly grateful for your contribution - loudml-grafana-app (https://github.com/vsergeyev/loudml-grafana-app) – we are currently evaluating its suitability for an Observability project.
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Hi @vsergeyev,
I saw in the data source we can create models, is there any button to create job?
Some condition, I should make a daily job for daily forecasting, or is there any workaround to do i…
Dear Sir,
Is it possible to use elasticsearch as datasource for loudml?
Is there some example for this?
I'm sorry @vsergeyev . There is no way to show annotations in the panel and can not see why.
After upgrading Grafana from 7.5.4 to 8.0.3 my LoudML panels are not loaded anymore and the error: "undefined is not an object (evaluating 'ui_1.Chart.Tooltip') is displayed instead of panel.
Dear @vsergeyev ,
I just run grafana-loudml-app in grafana 1.7.1 and using Elasticsearch 7.9.0.
The loudml server is on another server using same subnet, the installation of the grafana-loudml-app…
I am trying to use the ml panel together with elasticsearch but I always get this error when trying to set the baseline
data is invalid: invalid time delta value
Helo @regel
After created a model , when running it , this error appeared in the output docker log and no data in the output db has been generated. Any idea on what to do?
loudml_1 | 172…
Hello @regel .
Could be great if output log lines had timestamp to see when the output happened.
Y have deployed loudml in a swarm and has been restarted several times in the last hours.