I had an error on the homepage after the update to `3.2.0`
The problem was because of the new feature for Whitelisting Content Types.
Because it is possible to use a direct page link like `prismicio…
I tried to install your module due to the EOL of the Dalenys module this summer.
We have a magento 2.4.5-p10 and according to composer, the latest version should be compatible with it, but it …
Has this already been updated for Magento 2.4.7? I didn't check in detail, but I'd expect that e.g. `magento/payment-services` could be replaced...?
Hi @DamjanLogeecom, One of the merchant is looking to know the order status shown in Magento system for Failed transaction. Can you please share this information with us with a supported screenshot?
The update to 2.4.4-p12 breaks existing patch MDVA-12304_2.2.5.patch
Seems the lines to pathc had move on
This is a refactored version of patch for anyone who needs it.
diff --git a/vendor/mage…
We have a third party module, which has the following plugin definition:
As you can see, the plugin name, is the same for both classes.
Now the issue is…
Need Magento 2 Version of this module. I tried copying session file from vendor/magento/module-customer/Model/Session.php and changed the $this->_eventManager->dispatch('new_session_init', ['new…
### What happened?
I am currently working with Magento 1.9 and encountered issues related to Stripe integration after recent changes. Here are the specific errors I am facing:
1. **Error in `prototy…
**Describe the bug**
PR #4378 was merged and upon releasing the next version of PWA Studio all future npm packages released from @gomage will have additional privileges - see https://github.com/magen…
