**Project description**
A customized client for an online mahjong game Mahjong Soul.
* homepage URL: https://github.com/MajsoulPlus/majsoul-plus
* source URL: https://github.com…
**Bug 描述**
At least on my particular computer and OS (see specs below), I get the error message, "Laya3D init error,must support webGL!" in a pop-up shortly after I click Launch Game. I figured out t…
Github: [mahjong-helper-majsoul](https://github.com/Avenshy/mahjong-helper-majsoul)
Greasyfork: [mahjong-helper-majsoul](https://grea…
> 안녕하세요. 글로벌 서버에서 본 한글패치를 적용해서 즐기려고 하니 resource 다운로드 중에 CORS 오류로 동작이 안됩니다.
> 1. 크롬 브라우저 (99.0.4844.51)
> 2. Tampermonkey
> 3. Majsoul Korean (EN Server) 스크립트, 0.1.6
> 크롬 콘솔에서 확인한 에러 로그도 같이…
caught TypeError: view.DesktopMgr.Inst.is_tianming_mode is not a function
at x.initRoom (userscript.html?name=%25E9%259B%2580%25E9%25AD%2582Mod_Plus.user.js&id=1d80b243-0023-42cd-b98b-565e…
This is a list of casks without a [`zap`](https://docs.brew.sh/Cask-Cookbook#stanza-zap) stanza. It is suitable for contributors of any experience level.
`zap`s do not require any special tool to f…
![Screenshot 2023-05-24 235530](https://github.com/Avenshy/mahjong-helper-majsoul/assets/35379458/8252e751-9310-409d-ab73-5a61dd45c264)
![Screenshot 2023-05-24 235521](https://github.com/Avenshy/mahj…