Thank you for sharing the code. I have a question regarding the `edit_one_image` function for makeup transfer.
Based on the instructions provided, it seems that running the command:
guys,Looks like the dataset link is broken。who can put it on google drive or somewhere i can download,thanks very much
hi,May I ask you a question?
Is this the implement for the paper "PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transfer for Applying and Removing Makeup"?
研发人员您好,我按照environment.yml中的环境配置建立好了虚拟环境,但在运行时中发现 helper.py中的face_utils没有定义,请问face_utils是什么?如何定义?
What NACM Section(s) are relevant to this issue?
Exhaust Fan Design Airflow, which has the rule:
The exhaust flow capacity for a zone shall not exceed the supply flow capacity
plus transfer flo…
From Labs. Namil Kim, [pdf](https://www.dropbox.com/s/0394h04kbfy70w6/ICCV_Review_1.pdf?dl=0)
Makeup-Go: Blind Reversion of Portrait Edit
MemNet: A persistent Memory Network for Image Restoration
Although we had the SCSS/SASS available, we didn't spend time to work on it.
Instead, we directly stylized the CSS-Properties inside the html.
This is bad. This is really Bad.
At least this loo…
Continuing #7 - see for more details.
Hi, thanks for opening the source code。It is an honor to be able to read your paper ,and Where to read your paper?