I use MaterialDialog.Instance.ShowCustomContentAsync to show a more complex view. What I want to do is to attach validations to Confirmation Button such that, the dialog does not close until the valid…
请问下loading框 MaterialDialog宽度能修改吗?
support [MaterialDialog](https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs)
using [this](https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs#custom-views)
Code snippet:
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com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog$DialogException: Bad win…
Version: 452
Android: 30
com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog$DialogException: Bad window token, you cannot show a dialog before an Activity is created or after it's hidden.
Is there a way for MaterialDialog.Instance.SelectChoicesAsync() to work with a IList of T or Object instead of a IList of String, as in the MaterialTextField InputType="choice"?
1. Autox.js 版本:705
2. Autox.js 下载渠道:https://github.com/kkevsekk1/AutoX/releases
3. Android 版本:Android 15
4. Android 机型:小米14pro
5. Android 系统类别:澎湃OS2.0
6. VSCODE 扩展版本 Auto.js-Autox.js-VSCodeExt (…
From the documentation I've read, I can set input type with other like `TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD`. But I can't figure out how to do this on JS because `type` just accept integer value.
new Ma…
I'm not sure if there's much that can be done about this or not. My understanding of how retrolambda works is pretty thin. Feel free to close as a "won't/can't fix!"
I had an instance where I had th…