import Markdown, { MarkdownIt } from 'react-native-markdown-display';
import markdownItKatex from '@iktakahiro/markdown-it-katex';
import wikilinks from '@gerhobbelt/markdown-it-wikilinks';
**Describe the bug**
The math rendering in the application does not work, and when I run it in the terminal I get the following error messages, and yes math rendering under the view option is on.
In https://github.com/search?q=mathjax%3A+true+path%3A_pkgdown.yml+ropensci&type=code&ref=advsearch
- I switched to katex for math because [pkgdown docs](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html#math-rendering) say
> if you are including complex equations in your documentation, you may w…
`math_method: "r-katex"` breaks HTML rendering.
If I set it to `r-katex` all generated HTML will have the Rmd header incorrectly added to the HTML:
title: '
Hello! I enjoyed the presentation of this extension at FOSS4G NA yesterday. I wanted to follow up on the conversation about band math expressions that was started there.
My use case is that I'm sty…
## Description
Math inside block quotes is rendered incorrectly, essentially always assuming lazy continuation of the block quote.
## Reproduce
1. Open Jupyter Lab and create a new notebook
reStructuredText includes facilities for marking up mathematical expressions, just like [GitHub-flavoured markdown][1] does:
[1]: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/working-wi…
A lot of the equations in notebooks are getting cut off at the top. Is th…
### Description:
We can see below the main equation ("where ...") that inline math is rendering properly, but not display style math:
mkcor updated
2 months ago