I upgraded from the extensions in our project from `9999.9.2969.cbade73-20240912.194917-1` to `9999.9.3003.4ff035e-20241106.030219-1` as build 2969 is no longer available from the maven repository any…
Since MPS 2021.2, the actionsfilter language is not loaded --> check in the end if it still exists in the platform or whether we need to remove it.
From mbeddr.core created by [wsafonov](https://github.com/wsafonov) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1493
When using grammar cells extensively, the method `doGetSideTransformActions()` can get too long:
[jetbrains.mps.make.CompilationErrorsHandler@69c09cb7] Compilation problems
The mbeddr project must be reviewed in the context of WP1, WP3 and WP6.
For the use cases which are related to Requirement Engineering, the following example is also important.
The site of the proj…
I'm getting this exception twice every time I start MPS. Can this be avoided?
I use 2023.2.2872.2b32f29 a sa global library.
java.lang.Throwable: Extension was already added: com.mbeddr.mpsu…
Executing the command
rm -rf /home/norro/mbeddr/ && mi=`mktemp` && wget --no-cache -nv https://github.com/qutorial/mbeddr_python_installer/raw/master/mbeddr_install.py -O $mi && python2.7 $mi; rm…
norro updated
10 years ago
When using platform in Version `com.mbeddr:platform:2022.3.24843.4b3a10a` from stubs, this exception is popping up on startup.
Everytime I try to open a root node this exception is thrown, prohibi…
From mbeddr.core created by [markusvoelter](https://github.com/markusvoelter) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1258
From mbeddr.core created by [slisson](https://github.com/slisson) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1303