include "fw_hal.h"后编译空的main()报错
- MCU: STC8G1K08
- OS: Windows11 23H2
- VSCODE: 1.92.2
- PlatformIO: Core 6.1.15
# platformio.ini
platform = intel_mcs51
board = S…
SDCC related defines, like __SDCC and __SDCC_mcs51, were added somewhere which causes li…
# macOS 下开发 51 单片机应用 | 不正经的正经程序猿
macOS 下开发 51 单片机应用
Output of the BUILD step:
* Executing task in folder BlinkTest: platformio run
Processing STC8G1K08A (platform: intel_mcs51; board: STC8G1K08A)
sdcc, which is quite popular open-source, free embedded compiler, uses special extensions for intel 8051 (aka mcs51) define special function registers and other similar things (like code, ram space, e…
At least 'usb_host_KM' is broken with SDCC 4.2.0 in Debian 12. It complies under SDCC 4.0.0 in Debian 11.
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/examples/usb_host_KM'
sdcc -c -V -…
When is want to compile i get errors.
sdcc version:
sdcc -v
SDCC : mcs51/z80/z180/r2k/r3ka/gbz80/tlcs90/ez80_z80/ds390/TININative/ds400/hc08/s08/stm8/pdk13/pdk14/pdk15 4.0.0 #11528 (Linux)
Reference here: http://www.itisravenna.it/sheet/anm033.pdf
A number of mcs51 mask ROM parts of interest have come up recently. Looks like this could be implemented directly on the TL866 without a P…
When I flashing stc15f104e with stcgal in platformio ,I got some error message as below,I use vscode in debian.
what can I do
Processing STC15F104E (platform: intel_mcs51; board: STC15F104E)
Type: Feature Request
Hello! I‘m a vscode user.
Sorry to submit a new issue be similar to existing issues. I use GNU Arm Embedded toolchain before, It works very well on vscode with C++ In…