The layout for the top level MDDE page 1 is depicted in several documents. page 2 has not been located yet, which makes it difficult to know the contents of page 2, and impossible to determine the lay…
When I use the manual, it is not clear that I have to compose it.
When composing it is not clear that I have to use powershell 7.
When using the MDDE extension in version 16.5 of PowerDesigner the ObjectPicker gives an error when creating a mapping:
LSP mode has a toggle `lsp-enable-on-type-formatting` for whether code should be automatically formatted. But even when it is disabled, some other mechanism makes a section of code formatted when yank…
I've installed PowerShell via brew. If I run ./compose.ps1 in PowerShell the path's are wrong:
Error: Unable to access jarfile /Users/datadenken/Documents/GitHub/PowerDesigner-MDDE-Extension/pdc\Po…
The following papers have no keywords in their metadata. It should be checked if, indeed, the attached PDF files have no keywords, or if it was a mistake when registering them in the digital library.
Makefile:226: recipe for target '/home/test/tools/FirmAFL/qemu_mode/DECAF_qemu_2.10/shared/sleuthkit/lib/libtsk.so' failed
make: *** [/home/test/tools/FirmAFL/qemu_mode/DECAF_qemu_2.10/shared/sleuthk…
Amélioration : rajouter un mode parallèle au "hike and fly".
Au lieu d'afficher des couleurs donner l'altitude sol, afficher des couleurs donnant la finesse nécessaire pour atteindre ce point. On a…
Presently no data on layout of rack select page 2, and most weapon select pages. Data exists for rack select page 1 and 2 of the M2 MLU tape, but not for the CCIP M5.1+ tape currently being modelled. …