Hi, I'm trying to use mediapipe from .net to estimate human body poses from images. Here's the python code:
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp
pose = mp.solutions.pose.Pose()
Original Issue: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/56283
Opening on behalf of @fatcat-z
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### Issue Type
### Source
### Tensorflow Version
I am using Mediapipe's Pose module in Python to extract region masks from images. My environment includes VS Code for debugging. Despite my efforts to suppress logs, I am still seeing a signif…
### Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in MediaPipe)
### OS Platform and Distribution
iOS 16.4 and iOS 16.6
### MediaPipe Tasks SDK version
Firstly thanks for opensourcing your amazing work . I have few questions
I have tried running the teleop script as mentioned in the documentation . But it got stuck at a black SAPIEN…
# Senselab Pose Estimation
Integrate robust pose estimation workflows within Senselab
[ViTPose performs best on infants - mediapipe and deeplabcut are low on accuracy](https://arxiv.org/…
# Error:
When running `videos_to_poses` as described in the README on a fresh machine I got this:
videos_to_poses --format mediapipe --directory videos/
Traceback (most recent call last):
This is truly amazing work!
I'm wondering if you have any suggestions for the best methods to fit the SKEL model to 3d keypoints extracted from a pose estimation model such as mediapipe. Here is w…
I have been using the Mediapipe Holistic model from the February 2023 release in my web application. However, I recently came across a notice stating that, starting from March 2023, Mediapipe has tran…
Google advertises a "holistic" landmark tracker that allows simultaneous tracking of Body, Face and Hands:
> The task outp…