### What problem does this feature solve?
可编辑的单元格,鼠标移入时期望能有一个可编辑的图标提示用户,现在有 API 能实现这个交互吗?类似 Meego
### Wha…
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…
Is this version working on the Nokia N9?
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…
_From [Xawot...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/114812495471476298398/) on February 17, 2012 10:27:51_
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known bug with inter…
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…
"smth strange with meego version. at first everything was ok (except a known
bug with internet connection), but nowinstead of 'victory screen', when I win a
game, wagic just closes. 'defeat scre…