### Feature description
Minimax Algorithm with Alpha-Beta Pruning: Commonly used in games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Chess, etc.
Nim Game and Grundy Numbers: Problems related to combinatorial game theory.
The game currently only works with 2 human players. Implement an AI opponent to play against.
- A simple minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning may be used for this. Alternatively, interface wit…
How do I check if it's white's turn? Here's the code :
using ChessChallenge.API;
using System;
public class MyBot : IChessBot
//The idea is to check for checks, captures, and threats…
- [x] Implement Alpha-Beta pruning
- [x] measurements: boards expanded during search, internal nodes vs. leaf nodes, average search time per move, etc.
- [x] Calculate average savings for alpha-beta…
Explanation of minimax and alpha beta pruning:
not a good algo -
![Screenshot from 2024-06-17 12-00-23](https://github.com/DaiSwap/XOXO/assets/154792629/cb9387b2-4d14-4e4f-9495-0a8e549babea)
We need some kind of AI to play with and evaluate our agent after training. There are many algorithms we can implement and in this project, we can try the **MiniMax** algorithm with and without _alpha…
Implement advanced algorithms to improve the AI opponent's gameplay in single-player mode. Currently, the AI opponent provides a basic level of challenge, but enhancing its decision-maki…
aus #373:
> > Die "Keywords" im graphischen Fahrplan auch in die Fahrplan-Tabelle übertragen?
> >
> > * Zusammenhang zwischen graphischem Fahrplan und Menü-Items ist mehr oder weniger klar. Vors…
cagix updated
2 months ago