I am trying to use mmark and mmark-ext in a project to add some static site features for Obelisk however I came across this issue:
`dist/build/Text/MMark/Extension/Comment.o, dist/build/Text/MMark/…
augyg updated
1 month ago
I'd like to embed my markdown content in the Haskell source in a manner similar to `file-embed` but (obviously) as `MMark` documents instead of `ByteString`.
The primary benefit here is that we fai…
Is is possible to support mmark (https://github.com/miekg/mmark) as well? Not sure how this would work... but would love to see an online converted based on mmark.
miekg updated
8 years ago
I'm using Circle Ci (and stack).
locally build is fine. But, get following error message in the Circle CI.
-- While building custom Setup.hs for package mmark- using:
Hugo Version: v0.68.3/extended linux/amd64
Inline Katex doesn't work with .md files. However, if you just rename them to .mmark it works. But support for .mmark will be removed. What is the proble…
_This is a heads-up for ghc-9.10 (current Nightly is still using ghc-9.8)_
containers-0.7 ([changelog](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers-0.7/changelog)) is out of bounds for:
- [ ] HSv…
juhp updated
21 hours ago
On 2021-03-29 (see https://codimd.ietf.org/cmt-20210329# for notes) the XML change management team discussed how to handle markup (e.g., a table of contents or index) that is auto-generated by a tool.…
The minimal reproduction is that the string ``*.*.`` fails to parse:
ghci> MMark.parse "" "*.*."
Left (ParseErrorBundle {bundleErrors = FancyError 2 (fromList [ErrorCustom (NonFlankingDelimit…
title: |
Some title
user error (20eescg.md:2:0: error
2 | Some title
| ^
Unexpected ' ')
That used to work with the commit…
I've got a weird issue which seems to be a bug in the generated code! The build for mmark in travis with ghcjs- and node 8.x is dying in the tests with an error of "h$RTS_586.d2 is not a functi…