For a long time I've wanted high-performance garbage-collected heaps to be available and integrated with liballocs -- especially as a foundation for multi-language interop. It is looking like [MMTk](h…
The following crash happened when running CI tests with release build and the Immix plan. Link: https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-ruby/actions/runs/11549564269/job/32142824795?pr=113#step:9:7498
I compared 6 builds: [immix, nonmoving immix, Julia stock GC] x [current, base]
Current: after https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-julia/pull/170 and https://github.com/mmtk/julia/pull/64. It moves much m…
Saw the following error in https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-julia/pull/175.
thread 'MMTk Worker' panicked at 'Called is_live() on 0, which maps to an empty space', /home/runner/.cargo/git/c…
First seen in https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-julia/actions/runs/11097983519/job/30830015431?pr=170 in https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-julia/pull/170 when running `test/threads`.
Error During Test a…
subprocess.TimeoutExpired: Command '['/home/claireh/mmtk-core/tools/tracing/performance/run.py', '-b', '/opt/bpftrace/bpftrace-static', '-m', '/home/claireh/openjdk/build/mmtk/images/jdk/lib/serv…
As I see crashes in CI I'll open issues for them and then try to find the repro steps.
Error from recent run https://github.com/mmtk/ruby/actions/runs/10200710721/job/28220885175 using Immix
Right now, we place objects that need to be freed at shutdown into a weak list that is traversed at shutdown. This makes allocation slower and increases memory used.
The GC API uses system malloc/realloc/free without any MMTk specific accounting.
The existing implementation does this in `rb_mmtk_xmalloc_increase_body`:
As I see crashes in CI I'll open issues for them and then try to find the repro steps.
Error from recent run https://github.com/mmtk/ruby/actions/runs/10200710721/job/28220886500 using StickyImmix