This is primarily based on [thread at Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41955301)
I could help redesign the website, if there is a particular process that is required to be followed,…
The new design for the mobile version of the springboard component is [in the Figma here](https://www.figma.com/design/umfT9uNYJwAjIwgz360BdB/MVP-3.0-Mozilla.org?node-id=1257-179815&t=15TKlHtZDQLlFXBt…
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open the Sauce Demo site on a mobile device or simulate a mobile viewport in DevTools.
2. Inspect the layout of the login page and inventory page.
• Expected Result: The layo…
- [ ] Edit Profile : Design an interface where users can update personal details, profile picture, email password & location.
I am currently making the website adaptive on mobile screens
- [ ] Splash Screen: Design and implement the splash screen UI. Include a logo or app name in the center.
review this article for mobile first design https://zellwk.com/blog/how-to-write-mobile-first-css/
On small mobile screens, I can hardly read the bingo cards. Would it be possible to make h5p-bingo more mobile friendly? Maybe by manually adjusting the font size? In class, everyone is using a mobil…
Proposal to add Mobile Responsiveness to the site.
**Feature Name**
Mobile Responsiveness
The primary way we believe the kids are going to interact with this site is via a …
# Description:
We need a user interface for our sign-up feature. The goal of this issue is to design and implement a visually appealing and user-friendly Sign-up UI.
## Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ]…