### Description
I’m wondering if Polars for Python can offer an equivalent to the `rep_sample_n` function from the moderndive package in R. In moderndive, `rep_sample_n` allows you to take repeated r…
for first edition on moderndive.com from `%>%` to `|>`?
To be done for online edition of v2.1 or later
- [ ] Convert to Quarto
- [ ] Name all chunks
- [ ] Add recap/key concepts to each chapter AND/OR define as learning goals at the outset of each chapt…
@fran2or I wonder if you or perhaps @jkmusyoka could check that I am not doing something silly here. I really like the geom_parallel_lines function, that is in the moderndive package.
It is workin…
I was trying some code for a data presentation. It is from the moderndive package that has added 2 useful geoms.
@Patowhiz this maybe more a question for you, than @lloyddewit because it runs per…
## Slides
Current size of slide sets (cap at 25, except Week 1). Revise readings, practice sessions and exercises, and include screenshots of videos when relevant.
- [x] 1. 37 -- OK, cap at ~ 40…
[Statistical Rethinking 2nd Edition 2019.pdf](https://github.com/Booleans/statistical-rethinking)
Free to get it...
- [comprehensive list of online material](https://www.javedali.net/post/r-resources/)
- [free interactive tutorial](https://r-bootcamp.netlify.app/chapter1)
- [GGplot inspiration](https://r-statisti…
Thanks to @jamesonwatts for bringing this forward.
`get_regression_points()` produces an error in this situation.
iris_model 1.5),
data = iris)
house_prices %
log10_price = log10(price),
log10_sqft_living = log10(sqft_living)