See also https://github.com/mojohaus/versions/issues/1200
I tried using toolbox as an alternative.
It's better in that it detects that the property should be upgraded.
But it defines a new pr…
This is about the page https://www.mojohaus.org/maven-native/native-maven-plugin/source-repository.html
- The banner link "Fork me on GitHub" leads to https://github.com/mojohaus/mojo-parent but sh…
The new home of this project here on github was kinda hard to find. Several pieces of information are misleadingly wrong now that codehaus.org is gone (right?).
The issues link on http://www.mojohaus…
nezda updated
8 years ago
### Describe your use-case which is not covered by existing documentation.
(Disclaimer: I haven't looked at the specific use cases handled by this plugin here, and the MojoHaus' eponym plugin.)
thank you for the plugin idea; just FYI:
proof-of-concept simplified plugin incarnation:
which resolves:
So, as the Oracle lead development of the plugin is slow, MojoHaus (formlerly Codehaus mojo) has decided to take back the plugin to speed up the development and fixing. As you've done some changes, I …
After https://github.com/mojohaus/jdepend-maven-plugin/issues/39 seems to be resolved with the new release 2.1 a report is generated, but its layout seems broken as the table layout is not properly re…
The official NB Plugin for Maven has moved to GitHub (https://github.com/mojohaus/nbm-maven-plugin).
There are a couple of places in the README (at least) where the old Mojohaus location is refer…
I'm trying to run the dependency-updates-report on a multi module project.
I'm running this plugin on the parent pom of an application that contains 11 modules total.
The plugin fails with `Ex…
Profiles with dependencies are not written into the flattened pom as described here: http://www.mojohaus.org/flatten-maven-plugin/flatten-mojo.html (Element: profiles). Profiles doesn't get processed …