# 使用 UML 状态机设计嵌入式系统 Embedded System Design using UML State Machines
[01 - 简介](https://github.com/WangShuXian6/blog/issues/210#issuecomment-2453051468)
004 有限状态机简介
005 Mealy 和 Moore 机器
006 …
The format allows that kind of input:
HOA: v1
States: 2
Start: 1
AP: 2 "a" "b"
Acceptance: 3 Inf(0)&Inf(1)&Inf(2)
/* labels on edges, and acceptance on state and edges */
I think these probably deserve to exist. Here's how it goes for Moore machines (I didn't try to figure out a `Monad` instance since even if it exists it seems unlikely to be that useful):
### Moore
[Here](https://github.com/project-oak/silveroak/blob/59688de9126ffda3d23c55fabac7364ce260043e/firmware/IncrementWait/Test.v) are two circuits, test1 written in cava1, and test2 written in cava2, which…
This rules out deriving the [`Applicative` instance for `Moore` machines](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/machines-0.6.3/docs/src/Data-Machine-Moore.html#line-86)
instance Applicati…
When I try to compile a design that uses a moore machine, I get the following error:
Loading dependencies took 17.130628s
CLaSH Error:
CLaSH.Normalize(180): Callgraph after normalisation c…
This would give us Moore machines with a more efficient mapping operation for one, and all of the recent improvements could be ported over.
It's been pointed out that `Fold` is [isomorphic to a Moore machine](https://discord.com/channels/864614189094928394/865617619464749081/1033036028505751674), and there's a [`purescript-folds`](https:/…
I have just written a toy 3-stage pipeline for a `moore` machine:
pip3 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (c -> d) -> (b, c, d) -> a -> (b, c, d)
pip3 f g h (b, c, _) a = (f a, g b, h c)
pmoore = mo…
Hi! I'm pretty terrible at reading dependent Haskell but I'm incredibly impressed you have gotten a working encoding of Poly in it.
I was wondering if you have morphisms in Poly? And if so what it …