Hi. I want through the fabric problem by disabling the GPU P2P setting and successfully began multi-GPU training. But I met **Segmentation fault (core dumped)** when collecting data and training in pr…
Hello! I have a trouble, when I tried run python main_fast_single_object.py with the default config, appear the next issue:
`Generating masks for input video
I'd like to use FlowNet3D for motion segmentation. It was described in Section F of [supplemental](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/supplemental/Liu_FlowNet3D_Learning_Scene_CVPR…
Thanks for your nice work!
I have a confusion regarding inference speed. In your paper, you claim that the inference time of Monst3r on the A6000 is about 90 seconds. I conducted a practical test wit…
@xingyul ,
In which section of the code, motion segmentation can be made to visualize larger motion and smaller motion
ghost updated
5 years ago
Thank you for your meaningful work. I would like to ask whether the filted segments can represent the independent events in the video. In other words, if the original video includes five filtered segm…
Thanks for your exciting work!
I went through the released code and did not find the motion segmentation module described in the paper. Would you like to point out this part? It really helps. Looking…
As for part 3: Curating OpenVid-1M, Motion Difference module, the paper says "We introduce UniMatch [27] to evaluate optical flow score as the motion difference score to select videos with smooth move…
The paper mentions "layering the motion segmentation masks behind RGB-based
segmentation masks." I don't see any layering in the eval script. How/where do you perform inference for FlowP-SAM + FlowI…
[2024-08-12 14:11:48] [INFO] - channel created,id=zey93TRGNslGGwYk9TcQM1ekCRhqypkf,min_motion_area=300,motion_mode=1,seconds_after_got_obj_max=2,obj=
Segmentation fault (core dumped)