PhilJay now has a Realm MPAndroidChart Specific Library we might want to land this next release
ghost updated
6 years ago
I am using MpAndroidChart library for android. I am able to give different colors for the region below and above the limit line. but I am getting a keyword "Stack" in the legend(please check the attac…
Try to move graph to mpandroidchart libs.
It look more beautiful and up to date than achatengine.
The MPAndroid Chart library exists as a maven artifact. The same version (3.1.0) is used in the local copy and in the maven repository copy.
Switching to the maven copy reduces unnecessary code and…
Does the chart library plan to support Compose?
Hi @SumitRajpal, can you help me regarding this?
I do not know if the version or not, if I used your 2.0.9 version, gradle failed to sync, that's why I used 3.0.3...
in this line:
MPAndroidChart is v3.0.1
I am using the MPAndroidChart to make a graph of the sun movements and marking different points during the day. At this moment it looks like this: [![enter image description here][1]][1]