I would like to propose an enhancement for the current Optical Music Recognition (OMR) system by incorporating support for numbered music notation. This feature could significantly expand the usabilit…
Good day. Is it possible for meico to receive an input in a MusicXML format (.mxl) and convert it to others formats currently supported by meico? Thanks.
I have also implemented a MusicXML to Flipper Music Format script.
Check out https://github.com/white-gecko/musicxml2fmf on pypi: https://pypi.org/project/musicxml2fmf/
When the MusicXML conversion is finished, it will be the main SymbTr format. Other SymbTr formats should be automatically converted from this. We need to write scripts for them. Note that we might not…
- [ ] Make sure MsuicXML has the complete information from other formats, e.g. embellishments, legatos indicating the continuous singing of a phrase. Note: not all of them are in the txt format. Howev…
After I have read some information about Cadencii, it uses MusicXML to exchange music data with other applications.
I wonder, can Rocaloid accept MusicXML as input file? It is convenient to extend it…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Current Behavior
Drums in MusicXML format is not working properly as intended
### Expected Behavior
Drums i…
#22361 Introduces several new preferences for changing the color of in-score elements.
However, the advanced preferences list does not have any manual sorting capabilities—it's sorted by module and…
### Your idea
Hello everyone,
most of us have still scores from their previous notation software / score writers lying around. In my case, it is encore and the cheap variant of it sold in the 90's…
It is time to address the elephant in the room, which is displaying musical notation.
Conventional scores and TiLiA use space differently in a fundamental way: horizontal space is always to-scale i…