Add Mustard as a load balanced option.
I downloaded the zip file but I'm clueless as to what to do next. When extracted, the zip file is loaded with about a hundred .dll files which are for windows. I don't know how to get the GU…
words words words
When you have an infinite quantity of a tool, set the Shopping assistant to buy it, and trigger ASHF, the tool becomes mustard(I suspect this might be a bug, but if not ...); this version of Mustard T…
Hi, I'm wondering if you could add a mustard icon that looks a bit like this. It could help those in the food industry list what ingredients are in their food (mustard is one of the 14 most common all…
Transcript: https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/25jDWOKysraWJ5OPnemZGnnRWGWt3dHD0YBLfej6z3FyFcyLh73EWiD_J0DXI7Rx_fd7O3Ttrxh6Cz7vO9FPpXABJCs?loadFrom=SharedLink
"I had read about the mountain and mustard seeds, but forgot where it appeared"
A search feature would solve this