Tonight, we (Minecraft Manipulator) were discussing the NBT spec's use of the Java version of UTF-8, which is called MUTF-8, or Modified UTF-8. I have been meaning to look into the details about this …
NBT uses MUTF-8, not UTF-8. Valid game-generated files will result in `UnicodeDecodeErrors `when using Twoolie's NBT. Minimal reproduction file with an embedded MUTF-8 `NULL`: [encoded.dat.gz](https:/…
Many `Client` methods expect a `impl TryInto
Getting the following error messages (for mutual fund files). It seems to update ETFs (XIC.TO) No clue how to rectify. Is there an easy way to get Google finance data instead?
Unable to get informa…
### Description
The parser for Java byte code is incorrect: it treats strings (incl method names, class names, and so on) as UTF-8, but according to the Java class specification these are MUTF-8:
Postgres doesn't support null-characters in strings (text, char, varchar). Though Postrgres is advertised to support UTF-8 where zero code point is a valid one. H2, sqlite, mysql support nulls, by the…
Would building a WASM binary from the same TypeScript code, by way of AssemblyScript, provide any noticeable performance gains I wonder? I haven't had any challenges with speed at all with how the lib…
According to the Java specifications strings that are stored in the constant pool are not UTF-8 but a modified version of UTF-8:
BPO | [22598](https://bugs.python.org/issue22598)
--- | :---
Nosy | @jcea, @pitrou, @ezio-melotti, @vadmium, @serhiy-storchaka, @raulcd, @lcnittl
Dependencies | bpo-24848: Warts in UTF-7 error handlin…