I am enabling assembly builds for the UEFI environment, where the prescribed assembler is NASM. Within the pre-OS environment, there are no Windows APIs available, but it appears that `perlasm_scheme=…
I feel it would be important to provide 2 syntax types so this is more accessible. I personally am attempting said task, although it seems there are a few caveats upon only changing the operand order …
### Problem:
When using the prebuilt NASM binaries and the path contains spaces, builds targeting `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` fail.
Reported by @s-mayrh [here](https://github.com/aws/aws-lc-rs/issue…
Currently it looks like the only supported assembly language targets are masm and nasm. However, the (official) one is Gnu As on Linux, so that should probably be supported. If Gas is already supporte…
The 2nd stage bootloader asm file loops.
Not sure what the cause is.
We are using nasm and QEMU.
Also not sure that we are dealing with bootloader properly.
- Not using EFI/UEFI…
Extracted from https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/215#issuecomment-337776622.
Currently Zig relies on LLVM for assembly parsing on all targets.
It's a big project if Zig were to take on knowl…
Reading through the source code of print.asm, it has notes about functions implemented in NASM assembly. Those work fine, however, lines 77, 81, 86, and 87 all give the errors "Impossible combination …
Instead of making some _simulator_ make a real os in assembly
### Syntax (A os that halts itself)
[ BITS 16 ]
[ 0x7C00 ]
convert asm into bin
ghost updated
2 years ago
# [42-libasm] nasm intel assembly syntax 알아보기! | JaeSeoKim's Blog
42Seoul에서 assembly 관련 서브젝트를 진행하게 되어서 개인적으로 정리한 내용입니다. 틀린 부분이 존재 할 수 있으니 발견하게 된다면 댓글로 이야기 해주세요! nasm syntax 란? The Netwide Assembler (…