hello man, i have come to use ncm2, but I have some little problems.
how can i register python source, and i want to use these source in ipynb filetype when i write python in jupyter notebook(I have …
Hi everyone, thanks for your good work. The plugin works fine for most situations, but when I write a word and complete it with nc2m, I cannot go back and delete some characters if I made a mistake.
currently, ncm2_ultisnips#_do_expand_or only try to expand snippet, but not try to jump forward. is it possible to add ?
let g:ulti_expand_or_jump_res = 0
function! ExpandOrClosePopup()
Sometimes I get this error when working in a php file and it prevents you from working. This never happened before. I saw this for the first time today after I did ```:call dein#update()```
If I understand it correctly, currently it is impossible to get the `longest` behaviour because `longest` in `completeopt` prevents ncm2 from working properly. Is this a technical limitation that coul…
I've suddenly started getting `[+]` in my completion popup for Intelephense. Where is it coming from and how do I remove it?
![symbol in popup](https://i.imgur.com/xMyZ0xs.png)
ghost updated
5 years ago
I am a vimwiki user, but now I want to use the vim-pandoc tools to create PDF from markdown files of the wiki. The problem is that the function of omnicomplete, for bib cites, of vim-pandoc does not w…
Could we have [one of these](https://github.com/roxma/nvim-completion-manager/issues/12) for here too?…
Coc is working now, but still lots of work ahead to make it better.
Let me know if you have some ideas for it.
* [x] Works in vim.
* [x] Airline/Lightline integration
* [x] Add support for https…
Hi, since function parameters has never worked for me for some reason I decided to write my own function for it. I thought I should share it in case someone has the same problems.
I've tested it wi…