I would like to know how to trigger search event with load choices method programmatically inside component after a user clicks a button called 'Mention'.
I've tried to add a reference to ngx-menti…
This is not rendering content in angular v17 with standalone component
i've been trying to get this package working with Angular 17 with SSR enabled (a requirement for my needs), but adding `NgxTiptapModule` to `importProvidersFrom` in the app config leads to t…
It is pretty self explanatory. I have no idea why but passing in the following configuration does not disable tiptap from being editable.
constructor() {
this.editor = new Editor({
Hi Team, I'm trying to use "ngx-tiptap@10.0.0" , as latest version is not supported for Angular 17, but I'm getting below error with starter-kit. Please let me know if I should be using any other modu…
### What’s the bug you are facing?
Hello! I'm using tiptap in my project. Recently I've tried to set up type-checking using `tsc --noEmit --skipLibCheck` and I've got this output in console:
I'm trying to implement a new custom field type for Tiptap Editor. We are using JSONContent as the model for this field.
When using any nodes like h1, h2, bullet list, etc. forml…
Moving this issue over from: https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/issues/78.
Textarea and input elements can't be highlighted with this proposal. We need a mechanism to express the pos…
### Playground Link
_No response_
### Description
The node displays the content of the first component, in…
I'm using vue3-quill as a wrapper around quill editor for my vue3 application.
Out of the blue, the component stopped emitting an event when the text content of quill editor changes. Inspecting [th…