We need 4 or 5 domain specific repositories.
Selection of the domains should be based on "most likely being used" by participants.
Or cuase it is a "perfect repository" ie having all cool featuers…
We've been collection SD centric Jupyter Notebooks(#50). We should have machinery to run them. JupyterLab and SageMaker(#27) are the obvious choices. We already have evidence that Invoke CLI can work …
The event is available at https://web.sas.upenn.edu/mindcore/events/. Not sure if there is an easy to download format for the page or not.
Suppose we have a report generated for a specific lab, say "NEURO LAB 1". For many questions, we will have responses that correspond to a scale, e.g., `'Strongly agree', 'Somewhat agree', 'Neither agr…