I'm creating a barplot visualization to show compare three methods of accessing scholarly articles. In this plot, there are three methods: oaDOI, Penn, and Sci-Hub. The plot shows the coverage of the …
It is easy to collect the relevant data from CrossRef, but some of these scholarly articles might already be freely available. We don't want to duplicate work, so we can collect access information fro…
Back in January, I ran a pilot with uploading public domain articles to Zenodo to see how the publishers responded (pst: they didn't because they know this is perfectly legal).
BASE, the database …
For http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2012.08.021 I get different results when using `roadoi` & unpaywall.org . Why? In theory they both use the same source API : https://oadoi.org/
roadoi gives is_fre…
hey, it would save some work, if links to preprint servers (biorxiv, arxiv, osf preprints) would automatically be considered the link to the free fulltext copy (since that's what they are).
Most scientific paper are using a DOI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier But journal's canonical URL are not using the DOI (this is because DOI can't point to another website).
I notice from the README that you have green, gold, and blue options for `oa_color`.
The oaDOI API seemingly only returns gold & green(?): https://oadoi.org/api
I'm guessing "blue" OA might be e…
@njahn82 noted in https://github.com/subugoe/hoad/commit/dbf70cc0897cf2a092983093b0be0ebf9df513c0 that
I ran into this issue after installing the package today and running this example code from the Vignette:
roadoi::oadoi_fetch(dois = c(
Hi @rougier
I notice that there is no DOI in the article's bibliography.
I usually make sure that all references have a clickable DOI, which is also useful to verify the references.