## Add ability to describe published data according to standard schema
### Summary
SciCat has the concept of published data; that is, a set of one or more datasets that, collectively, are descri…
**Overview of the Feature Request**
As a superuser, I can use a new field to document the source repository in OAI-PMH harvesting clients :
DataCite maintains an OAI server (https://oai.datacite.org/oai) serving records for every DOI they have registered. There is a lot of interest in being able to harvest from them (since these are all r…
Integrate OAI-PMH endpoint and data conversion.
* Mapping of data from OAI-PMH endpoint (DDI XML and/or DC)
* Import of data
* Export of data
* XML schema
* validate against…
**Organizational Page**: [PangeaR](https://github.com/NCEAS/open-science-codefest/wiki/PangeaR)
**Category:** Coding
**Title:** Pangaea R client
**Proposed by:** Scott Chamberlain
Imported from JIRA [DS-3613] created by pbecker
The OAI-Harvester is poorly documented. A bit general documentation can be found here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC6x/OAI#OAI-OAI-PMH/OAI-OR…
Date format of expirationDate in resumptionToken, is not compliant with OAIPMH standard.
Example from a OAI-PMH ListIdentifiers request:
## Overview
"Our proposed project will significantly improve the widely-used Harvard Dataverse repository to better support NIH-funded research. A critical measure of the GREI program’s success is to…
Managers of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research emailed to let us know that they now make their dataset metadata available over OAI-PMH. See https://help.hmdc.harvard.edu/Ticket/Display.html?…
There are various bugs in the OAI-PMH harvesting client in OpenWIS 3.x which makes it impossible to harvest metadata from a HTTPS endpoint. This came to light with the switch-over to HTTPS only harve…