first of all I would to thank you for the amazing work.
It would be nice to have a new "category" in the Quotes widget inspired by Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies, something like this: https://…
For example: https://github.com/RobBlackwell/oblique-strategies-for-programmers and https://kevinlawler.com/prompts
Also for historical lists: https://github.com/ptigas/oblique-strategies
Take a look at https://github.com/RobBlackwell/oblique-strategies-for-programmers and see if it is possible to add in new items?
They do look kinda fun
There are other types of Decks out there, it might be a good idea to add pickers to this.
Source of work: https://github.com/BrandonKMLee/vscode-oblique-strategies/tree/master/src/resources
after installing oblique-strategies, the Find & Replace extension https://github.com/fbgallet/roam-extension-find-replace is not readable anymore, because it also uses the same modal framework …
I know its easy to get started with just a string prompt, but I've been thinking an easier to use DSL for prompting might make it possible to do more complicated techniques without writing a long para…
This project obviously has a lot of overlap with other projects and tools that help you become better at what you want.
Digital Rubber Duck can point and link to them, as a feature.
### Fonts
### Where the fonts came from, and when
Site: https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-fonts/blob/c5481f3a1b57d54190a4e7881103033fbbbcec0c/unhinted/…
From time to time, we are running into problems due to such cycles. We should try to enforce cycle-free import hierarchies. Before that, we need to figure out how to refactor the code to avoid the cyc…
This tool is fun to use ! but i'd like the cards to resonate better with me. I'd also like to be able to use it with other non-englis speaking collegues.
I've personally contributed to localizations …