What about to add Open Meteo provider option?
Looks like it provides more weather data that can be displayed in the app.
Here are some apps sreenshots that use Open Meteo:
- Breezy Weather andro…
Do it is possible to add OpenMeteo to api-list?
Open-Meteo doesn't require a API token; and hence won't hit a rate limit which causes error messages at the end of the month.
Hi, as Forecast.solar seems to change its commercial plans and API limitations, is there a chance to integrate e.g Open-Meteo Solar Forecast?
GitHub - rany2/ha-open-meteo-solar-forecast: Home Assist…
This error occurs when using the `weather.request` function
Flutter Web, using Flutter 3.24.4
package version 2.0.2
DartError: Unsupported operation: Int64 access…
does anybody know if someone made a fork with an open-meteo.com implementation?
Since this API 3.0 trouble thing on OWM i'm trying to move to something else than OWM and open-meteo looks real…
Please also support DWD-ICON, UKMO, and CMC-GEM.
Build a Home Lab
One per service (probably)
No need to put in VM
Common packages (salt these!)
- git
- byobu
- salt minion
- vim
Container order
- droppy https://github.com/droppyjs/dro…
I'd like to verify the numerical results of the Flood API against some ground truth of flow measurements published by governement agencies. So far the results are not satisfactory. I verified against …
A new article shows weather forecast interaction with multiple rounds of function calls similarly to my example: https://medium.com/google-cloud/deep-dive-into-function-calling-in-gemini-b62e2618e3a7