I tried to import a csv file into pysheets via the menu option File/Import and paste a URL
Or through script
Both ways encount…
I am trying to start "Data Analysis"
after installing the "openintro"
I had the following error when starting the Data Analysis course
| Attempting to load lesson dependencies...
| Package ‘plo…
download.file("http://www.openintro.org/stat/data/bdims.RData", destfile = "bdims.RData")
downloaded 0 bytes
Error in download.file("http://www.openintro.org/stat/data/bdims.RData", :
cannot dow…
The dataset is loan data available in the openintro package. Here is the Tidy code to preprocess the data:
loans %
homeownership = str_to_title(homeownership),
(cc @mine-cetinkaya-rundel)
> Something seems to have changed with book chapter cross referencing. See https://r4ds.hadley.nz/whole-game, the references used to say things like "In Chapter 1 ...", …
The links at the end of each learning objectives PDF ("You might also find the videos, available here, useful for your learning.") are based on the pre-2020 website design. The links should be updated…
It would be fantastic for someone to update the `county_complete` OpenIntro dataset. See "Source" here: https://openintrostat.github.io/usdata/reference/county_complete.html
This should say three groups
I'm working through the examples and after loading the openintro library tried to run `data(loan50)` https://github.com/OpenIntroOrg/advanced-high-school-statistics/blob/20ccba8d33cbc2fd96feb07a7bd367…